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How can I follow / unfollow people?

Updated over a month ago

Follow a Commenter

Click on the commenter’s name, then click on the “Follow” button on the pop-up window

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You can also follow/unfollow the commenter just by navigating your mouse on the user’s icon on the chosen comment. Click on the “follow” button in the pop-up window

Alternatively, you can check out their profile first, then click the dropdown menu on their profile and select “Follow” from there

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To see the list of people you’ve followed, log in to your Vuukle account, click on the “My Comments” button at the header, then click on the Following tab as shown below. Here’s the tutorial: Where can I view people I follow?

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Unfollow a Commenter

  1. Log in to your Vuukle account
  2. Click on the “My Comments” button at the header.
  3. Click on the “Following” button under your profile.
  4. Click on the “Unfollow” to remove the user from the list.

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