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Why was my comment sent to moderation?

Updated over a month ago

If your comment was sent to moderation, it may be any of the following reasons:

  1. The website has chosen to moderate each and every comment; or
  2. The comment contains a keyword that deems it to be toxic or spam in nature; or
  3. The AI algorithm deems the comment to be toxic or spam in nature

If your comment was sent to moderation, rejected, or has been flagged and reported by another user, please contact the site moderator who will have more information as to why your comment has been blocked.

Vuukle does not have control in moderating and rejecting any comments

Vuukle doesn’t take part in any moderation decisions for approving, deleting, or handling disputes between commenters. We cannot provide information as to why a comment was sent to moderation or rejected. These decisions are made by the site’s moderator.

How To Contact a Site Moderator

Most websites has a contact page or simply search for this keyword on google: “<website’s name> contact us” Unfortunately, if the website doesn’t provide contact information, Vuukle won’t be able to provide the contact details of the site’s moderator or put you in contact with them.